The quest for the most diminutive munitions program

The very latest 3 line version, please consider it a personal challenge to shorten this in any way and contribute your hackery:
#!/bin/perl -s-- -export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL
$m=unpack(H.$w,$m."\0"x$w),$_=`echo "16do$w 2+4Oi0$d*-^1[d2%Sa
pack('H*',$_)while read(STDIN,$m,($w=2*$d-1+length$n&~1)/2)

Hall of fame:

If you see any way to shorten the above please contact me:

Adam Back <>

Please note compatibility problems with dc command P.

(If you are wondering how the above savings add up and why the script doesn't have negative size by now it's because I have rewritten it (yet again) and a couple of them are no longer used. The new code uses dc to do just about everything except packing/unpacking the file, and converting to hex. The re-write saved another 7 bytes, as well as making the code about 4 times faster for old versions of dc and about the same speed for the newest GNU dc-1.03). Ken Pizzini, Chris Barker and Adam Roach all found some more optimisations on top of this. And then I found another 4 and Ken another 2, and so it goes on. Since that I re-wrote part of it again to fix a bug, which made it over 3 lines, slowly shortened that back to 3 lines (joint effort with Ken) to what we have now:

#!/bin/perl -s-- -export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL
$m=unpack(H.$w,$m."\0"x$w),$_=`echo "16do$w 2+4Oi0$d*-^1[d2%Sa
pack('H*',$_)while read(STDIN,$m,($w=2*$d-1+length$n&~1)/2)

The commented version

This based on Hal Finney's reply to my original post on the cypherpunks list.


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -s-- -export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-in-3-lines-PERL
#         -d (decrypt) 
#      or -e (encrypt) [this is now optional ie rsa k n < in > out will assume -e]
# $k is exponent, $n is modulus; $k and $n in hex
# use of -s (and $w-=$d*2; below) was contributed by Jeff Friedl
# a cool perl hacker
# Things have got a bit more obfuscated in that last re-write
# couldn't be helped tho' we wanted the usage string and 3 lines
# Ken Pizzini contributed the excellent redundancy of -e, the way it works 
# is that you can still use -e if you want, it is just redundant.  
# $v is the digits of output per block (or it would be if I hadn't
# eliminated it to save another couple of bytes), $w is the hex digits
# per input block.
# If encrypting need to reduce $w so input is guaranteed to be less than
# modulus; for decrypting reduce $v to match.
# Adam Roach contributed a rearrangement of the $v and $w calculation 
# which shaves off 4 bytes!  Its been juggled around a bit by Ken Pizzini 
# (for precedence prob) but no-ones managed to shorten it yet.
#     $v=2-4*$d+($w=2*$d-1+length$n&~1);
# also, now its been split up into parts for the $v elimination you should
# recognize it in 2 halves scattered around in obfuscated places for
# optimal byte count reduction.  (part of it has now even moved into the dc
# string to save another couple of bytes, +2 for Ken)

# Encryption/decryption loop.  Data to encrypt/decrypt in $m
# The whole of the next lot is inside a loop, the while appears at the end
# of 4 comma separated cmds like this:
#  cmd1,cmd2,cmd3,cmd4 while expr;
# which is perfectly legal in perl.
# This saves 4 chars over the more conventional while(expr){cmd1;...cmd6;}

# Travis Kuhn came up with the idea that the arg decoding (used to say
# ($k,$n)=@ARGV;) could be left out entirely, if you used this syntax 
# for calling the program:
#   rsa [-d] -k=123 -n=567
# This works because, when you do -d perl sets the variable $d, and
# apparently (cool news to me), when you do: -x=exp perl sets the variable
# $x to equal expression exp.
# saves a whole 14 bytes!

# Turn data into equivalent hex digits in $m
# The ."\0"x$w is the bug fix, (it adds way too many ascii(0)s but the 
# surplus don't matter as H.$w just takes as many as required, saves space
# to not bother working out how many.
# This fixes a bug which manifested itself in the last block of the
# plain text if the file to encrypt was not a whole multiple of $w.
# Also it was not generally noticed as it just put ascii(0)s on the wrong 
# end of the block and most shells eat ascii(0)s silently.


# Did have Ken Pizzini's awesome:
#  $_=`echo 16i2o\U$k\Ep|dc`,s/\W//g,
# which shaved of a cool 16 chars in one swoop, and enabled
# the move to 3 lines (by chucking the usage string on bad args)
# Also I used to have:
#   s/1/d*ln%lM*ln%/g,
#   s/0/d*ln%/g,
# a cool contribution from Hal Finney shortened this by 4 chars to:
#   s/1/0lM*ln%/g,
#   s/0/d*ln%/g,
# this was improved on even more by Chris Barker with the fiendishly clever:
#   s/./d*lM$&^*ln%/g,
# However, I've re-written a big chunk in dc, so Ken's, Hal's, and Chris's
# improvements have been replaced, the work of doing the binary conversion
# has been re-written in dc and incorporated into this single dc command 
# which does the binary conversion, and the modular exponentiation in one
# swoop.
# Since the re-write Ken, and Chris have found more shortcuts (Ken's solution
# was adopted in the final twist as the additional 7 bytes I found couldn't be
# applied as well to Chris's initially winning variation)
# There was some very clever juggling (the strange looking 16i1Io and the
# first ") by Ken which finally got the last 4 bytes working.
# The lastest dc command:
#       "16do$w 2+4Oi0$d*-^1[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*La1=z\U$n%0]SX$k"[$m*]\EszlXx++p
# Firstly the "s, are necessary to protect the < and also for perl5
# the second " is cunningly placed by Ken to protect $k[$m*] from being
# interpreted as an array index of @k (this doesn't happen in perl4)
# the dc does following (note that "s and \U wont be visible to dc as perl 
# will evaluate these):
#       "16do			- push 16 for later on [1] 
#				- and ask for hex output
#	$w 2+4Oi0$d*-		- part of Adam Roach's $v calculation as moved
#				- into dc by ken calculates $w+2-4**$d
#				- 0$d is written as $d can be either "1" or ""
#				- also the iO sets the output base to the
#				- same as the input base (16)
#	^			- calculates 16**$v (use 16 pushed [1] above
#				- and raise that to the power of $v left on 
#				- the stack by the above.)
#				- this is value left on the stack for later [2]
#	1			- push 1 to seed mod exp later on [3]


#	[d2%Sa2/d		- convert $k to binary storing the bit
#				- (0 or 1) on stack a this reverses the
#				- order of the bits
#  ..    0<X			- if more binary bits left in $k call
#				- X (this subroutine) recursively to 
#				- do the next bit
#  ..    +			- junk the left after converting
#				- $k to binary (I used to have sj to junk
#				- Ken improved that to + adding 0)
#  ..    d*			- exposing the 1 we pushed [3] near the 
#  				- top to seed this:
#				- stack = stack * stack
#  ..    La1=z			- pop the next bit of $k off stack a
#				- if it is a 1 call subroutine z above
#  ..	 \U$n%			- modulo $n 
#  ..    0			- unfortunately we need to store a junk 
#	]			- digit (0 here) to feed the + required
#				- above which eats the stack entry left
#				- by the conversion to binary of $k
#  ..	 SX			- save as subroutine X (its stored on a stack X
#				- S = push on stack, but that is just to save 
#				- another byte)
#	$k"[$m*]\Esz		- store $k for later conversion to binary
#				- make subroutine z, called when next
#				- binary digit from $k is 1
#				- \U...\E ensures all hex digits (a-f) are 
#				- uppercase
#  ..	 lXx			- call the subroutine X to convert $k to binary
#				- and then do the modular exponentiation operation
#	+			- junk the extra digit again
#	+			- add the 16^$v calculated as [3] above
#				- cunning this part this was Ken's hack and saves
#				- 3 bytes over doing the padding to $v*2 bytes in 
#				- perl.
#				- ie if you have result a1 and $v = 2 this will
#				- result in 100a1, the perl below chops off the 
#				- first character (always 1) and then the rest
#				- is automatically padded to $v*2 bytes...
#	p			- and print result
# the s/^.|\W//g is necessary for GNU dc 1.00 and above due to the way it 
# outputs long lines
# the ^.| bit chops off the first character as described above in the dc part
# the \W//g ensures that \ and \n chars are removed from GNU dc's output

$_=`echo "16do$w 2+4Oi0$d*-^1[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*La1=z\U$n%0]SX$k"[$m*]\EszlXx++p|dc`,

# Pad the result with leading 0's to $v digits, pack to raw data and output.
# Dov Grobgeld contributed the "0 x" it used to be "'0'x" saves one more byte!
# Dov's "0 x" is no longer here due to the hack described in the dc part by Ken
# which does the padding in dc rather than perl.
# $w is the size of the input block

print pack('H*',$_)

# Encryption/decryption loop.  Read $w/2 bytes of data to $m.
# this while applies to the preceding 4 comma separated commands
# this has now gotten very obfuscated to shave off the last half dozen
# or so bytes
# blocks are based on modulus size in hex digits rounded up to nearest even 
# length (1+length$n&~1) so that things will unpack properly
# Here it is:
#   while read(STDIN,$m,
#          ($w=2*$d-1+length$n&~1)/2)
# I'll break it down into parts

# read $w bytes into $m ($w is input block size and is calculated in place)
# this bit calculates $w = 
#    2*$d-1

while read(STDIN,$m,($w=2*$d-1

# then round $n up to nearest multiple of 2


# $w is in hex nibbles, we want that in bytes when reading so /2


Comments, html bugs to me (Adam Back) at <>