Cypherpunks Eternity Service Data-haven

Advertised open access eternity servers


The eternity server can be downloaded from here.

We've moved on a few versions now. Beta testers required. Bug reports appreciated.

Aug 14 02:54 GMT [eternity-0.10.tgz] and [sig]
Aug 09 17:07 GMT [eternity-0.09.tgz] and [sig]

Key [key] sigs are made with. There is more detailed documentation included in the tar file.

Submitting documents to Eternity

Here is a howto for submitting documents to eternity. There is some more information on submitting documents also in the Phrack article.


Read the Announce to the cypherpunks list for description of the eternity server. There was an article in Phrack 51 on eternity. The phrack web site is here.

Related work

Ross Anderson wrote a paper on cryptographic techniques for creating a distributed document store which is hard to censor. The paper is called the The Eternity Service.

The "Eternity Service" that I have implemented falls far short of Ross's design, but it is far easier to implement than Ross's design. I stole his name, "Eternity Service" which is where the name comes from.

The eternity servers and the above code and documentation are presented for criticism. The hope is to stimulate interest, and to gain useful experience leading to more secure and more resilient eternity servers. Dave Wagner and Ian Goldberg have two services called TAZ and Rewebber servers which together go to create a document store designed to acheive the same aims as eternity servers. The rewebber is a kind of chaining encrypting web proxy. The TAZ server provides a persistent URN (URL) to find the document by providing a level of redirection. If the rewebber chain gets broken, or the document tracked down and removed, the TAZ server can point to it's new location. Service is then restored. Another eternity project.

Comments, html bugs to me (Adam Back) at <>